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Mar 27, 2016 - Background: Diabetes Melilltus (DM) is one serious chronic illness. The proportion of incident type 2 diabetes is 95% of the population of DM in the world. The prevalence of DM in Indonesia showed an increase of 1.1% in 2007 to 2.1% of the population of DM in 2013, and the most cas- es are Type 2. Penanggung jawab/Chief Editor: Teuku Mufizar Mahmud (General Manager Communications), Redaksi/Editors: Sihanto B. Bela, Rohman Hidayat. Yuliawan, Nala. Clothes - Ketika saya memiliki uang sedikit, saya beli buku. Bila ada sisanya. Pada 2010, Ken kembali melanjutkan kuliah S1 Keperawatan di.

G With Incomplete Schizophrenia at Harjuna Room Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang 1 Nursing Care of Vision Hallucinations to Mr. G With Incomplete Schizophrenia at Harjuna Room Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang 2 NURSING CARE OF VISION HALLUCINATIONS TO MR. G WITH INCOMPLETE SCHIZOPHRENIA AT HARJUNA ROOM PROF. SOEROJO PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL MAGELANG Ryna Susanto., Puji Lestari., Ana Puji Astuti. Nursing Faculty of Ngudi Waluyo University ABSTRACT Someone with schizophrenia has a major symtom that is reduction in sensory perception: hallucinations.

A common type of hallucination is vision hallucinations. Hallucinations is one of the symptoms of a mental disorder in which a patient change sensory perception, false sensation of sound, sight, taste, touch or sniff. The aim of this paper was to provide nursing care on the patient with vision hallucinations at Harjuna room of Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang. The method was based on descriptive method that showed the management of nursing care for 7 days to solve sensory perception disorders: vision hallucinations.


The data were collected by interview, observation, physical examination and documentation through five nursing process that were assessment, diagnosis, intervention, implementasion and evaluation. The nursing care results was the patient could control hallucinations by rebuking, talking and doing daily activites.

The patient had not been able to control hallucinations by taking medication properly due to forgetfulness and time limitations. The intervention given to the patient did not cause other problems due to sensory perception disorder: vision hallucinations. It was suggested for nurses of Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang to increase creativity in interaction or action with the patient.

Keywords Bibliography: vision hallucinations: 14 (2007-2017) INTRODUCTION According to WHO (2009) stated A person can be said to be healthy about 250 million people wordwife suffered for his soul that is if a person’s mental mental disorders and 25% of the population condition is prosperous with a harmonious in the world were expected to experience and productive quality of life from all aspects mental disorders at a certain age. Of human life (Afnuhazi, 2015).

The patients According to The Central Java with mental disorders have a relationship Provincial Health Office (2012), said the that is not harmonious with others such as incidence of mental disorders in Central Java hostile, threatening (agression) or execessive ranged from 3.300 people to 9.300 people. Suspicious (paranoid). The patients are also The most common cause of mental disorders unproductive in society and tend to harm was the problem of economic crunch or the proverty. Community such as stealing (cleptomany), lazy (abulia) or other social According to Simunjutak (2008) deviation behavior such as the use of schizophrenia was a group of psychotic addictive substances (Yosep, et al 2014). Reactions with the characteristics Nursing Care of Vision Hallucinations to Mr. G With Incomplete Schizophrenia at Harjuna Room Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang 3 ofresignation from social life, emotional futhermore it mentioned that the number of disorder and affective that is sometimes male patients more than women, male as accompanied by hallucinations and delusions many as 9329 people and women as many as and 6924 people.

Behavior that was negative or destructive. According to Erlina, et al (2010) who Stuart & Laraia’s 2005 in Yosep, et al explained that the patients who experience (2014) reported that 70% of schizophrenic the most mental disorders were male that patient had hallucinations. In addition it was equal to (65, 1%) and woman (34,9%). Shows 90% of hallucinations patient were Males were more susceptible to mental delusional.

Psychiatric disorder because men who were the main hospitals, about 70% of hallucinations on supporters of households were more likely patient with mental disorder were auditory to experience life pressures, while fewer hallucinations, 20% of vision hallucinations women were at risk of suffering from mental and 10% of olfactory, tasting and touch disorders than men because women are hallucinations. More receptive to life situations. In Indonesian Number of patients hallucinations of Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric are sensory Hospital perception disorders that include one of the Magelang in 2014-2016 had increased as the five senses where there is no stimulus to its table below: receptors. Hallucinations were divided into Psychiateric patients by sex Male Female Total 1 2014 2547 2111 4658 2 2015 3309 2503 5812 3 2016 3473 2310 5783 Total 9329 6924 16253 Source: Medical Record of Prof.

Soerojo five types: auditory hallucinations, visual No Dr. Hallucinations Year hallucinations, olfactory hallucination, hallucinations of tasting (gusfactory) and tactile hallucinations (Dermawan and Rusdi, 2013).

Psychiatric Hospital Magelang Based on the data collection that METHOD The method was descriptive by had been done by the writer related to the number of patients hallucinations of Prof. Giving nursing care Dr. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang in observation, 2014-2016 got the results that the number documentation through five nursing process of the patient had increased and decreased that is assessment, diagnosis, intervention, each year. In 2014 reached 4658 people implementation and evaluation. Physical by interview, examination and increased in 2015 reached 5812 people and in 2016 decreased to 5783 people. Nursing Care of Vision Hallucinations to Mr.

G With Incomplete Schizophrenia at Harjuna Room Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang 4 RESULTS eyes. Usually the raging person is less The management resutls obtained by visual hallucinations and performed nursing intervention such as obvious person of his mind. In addition, according to the writer trusting speaking alone was a condition in which a relationships, controlling hallucinations by person revealed what on his mind of rebuking, conversing and training daily stimulation that are considered real from activities. Both seen and who heard himself. According to Sugiono (2008) speech itself consists of DISCUSSION two words in which speech had the meaning The assessment was conducted on May 3rd 2017 at 09.00 a.m at Harjuna room Prof.

Soerojo was being alone or no longer with others. Hospital According to the writer screaming Magelang. This assessment was conducted alone is someone shouting out loud from a on Mr.

G whose age 33 years old with stimulus that was considered real in a single medical (Incomplete condition. According to Sugiono (2008) Schizophrenia). The data collection was screaming is a condition of someone crying obtained from the patient and nurses who out loud many times and alone was a person handled it. From the medical record and or not being with others. Diagnosis Psychiatric of expressing what was in mind and alone F 20.3 information from the nurse that the patient Predisposing factors and had been treated in the room for 10 days precipitation factors are factors that need to and the patient had been taught all Planning be studied in psychiatric nursing. From the Strategies (PS) were PS by rebuking, PS by assasment result of Mr.

G was the result that conversing, PS by doing dily activity and PS the patient had been 6 times in the by telling the benefit of taking medicine. Psychiatric Hospital and now was the 7 time The patient’s reasons entered Prof. Due to less successful treatment where the Dr. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang symptoms of were the patient had been mad since 1 disappeared as a whole. In the patient's week, often talked alone and 4 days shouted family there was a mental disorder that was alone.

According to the writer had been mad grandfather. The patient had experienced is a condition where a person feel a strong head trauma because of accident when he sense of anger or hostility accompanied by was 9 years. The patient had an unpleasant lossing of selft-control that could hurt itself experience of being depressed during or others. According to Hartono (2010) that lodgings had been mad is a condition someone demanding to be “kyai”.

The results of these attacked blindly because of anger and dark studies indicate that the presence of a due hallucinations to coercion had of Nursing Care of Vision Hallucinations to Mr. G With Incomplete Schizophrenia at Harjuna Room Prof.

Hope this helps. Dewalt dw733 manual.

Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang not parents 5 patient driving factor was schizophrenic. In seemed to smile alone, talked to himselft addition, it was found that patient who had and laugh alone. It was appropriate in dropped out of the drug for 6 months were Hartono's theory (2010) that the comforting the phase was a pleasant phase, at this stage trigger factors of schizophrenia symptoms. Included On the physical examination was not in Characteristics the of nonpsychotic patient class. Experiencing found any abnormalities in patient. Another stress, anxiety, feelings of separation, guilt, study was conducted by the writer was the loneliness that peaked. According to the assessment of mental status related to author if the symptoms were not addressed perception.

According to Keliat (2014) in the then it would have a fatal impact for study of hallucinations, the patient should be yourself, others and the environment. Described the types and contents of hallucinations, frequency, time and From the patient assessment data it could be concluded that Mr. G got visual situations that cause hallucinations and hallucinations.

Patient responses. It was found that Mr. G appeared on Mr. G in accordance with said look at white shadows. White shadows Rasmun (2009) states common symptoms of that appeared like lumping horses, ghost and schizophrenia, one of which is hallucinations. White appeared Hallucinations could occur in the five major approximately 7 times a day. Shadows often sensory senses: hearing to sound, visual to appeared during the night when going to vision, tactile to touch, taste to tasting and bed and when alone.

The patient said smell to smelling. Vision hallucinations is sometimes the shadows told him to perform also common in schizophrenic patients. Signs an activity such as jumping, dancing and like and symptoms of patients experiencing a person fighting alone. Patient said hallucinations that said see the shadow. In sometimes shadows that appear pleasant addition and sometimes frightening.

Daydreaming, blank eyes and talk alone. The shadow According to Hartono (2010) the clinical manifestations of developed through comforting phase, four hallucinations phases the Nursing patient diagnoses was also that often The writer taked the diagnosis of hallucinations of vision as a major problem of because at the time of the assessment of the phase, symptoms of symptoms that appear more to controlling phase and conquering phase. The problem of nursing hallucinations of According to the writer the patient was in vision and if not treated promptly would the first phase of the comforting phase or inhibit the healing process of other nursing the pleasant phase where the results problems. This was consistent with the obtained from the assessment of the patient theory of Muhith (2015) which mentions condeming Nursing Care of Vision Hallucinations to Mr.

Asuhan Keperawatan Jiwa

G With Incomplete Schizophrenia at Harjuna Room Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang 6 hallucinations as a priority that must be Implementation was done to addressed immediately because of the overcome the problems faced by patient inability to perceive a stimulus in real terms starting could complicate the patient's life and when relationships, rebuke, conversing, and train the most actual hallucinations are studied. If daily activities.

The function of fostering a not treated immediately then the patient relationship of trust to the patient to would be increasingly affected by the facilitate the communication. How to build hallucinations so that it could result in trusting relationships by shaking hands, danger that could injure yourself, others and introducing names to empathy, listening the environment. Attentively to the expression of patient According to Carpenito and Monyet with how to build trust feelings. In Haryanto (2007) the priority of the On the first day of the PS 1 is to build problem began from the actual data, then trust relationships, the risk data and the last potential data. Hallucinations From the assessment data obtained from the frequency, situation and patient feeling), patient a nursing plan that needs to be discuss the first way to control hallucinations addressed first is for the problem of patient by rebuking.

According to Sugiono (2008) hallucinations. Because if the hallucination is rebuking was calling out with loud or not handled first it would cause other threatening words. Patient were trained to nursing problems and caused a fatal danger say no to hallucinations that appear or to yourself, others and the environment. Ignore hallucinations. If this could be done (type, identify patient content, time, According to the Rasmun theory the patient would be able to control (2009) the nursing plan to overcome the himselves and not follow the hallucinations problem of hallucinations of vision was that that appear. The general purpose of the patient could At the second meeting was done PS control the hallucinations experienced while 1 again because of the validation of previous the trusting actions was the patient forgot the PS 1 that relationships, the second could recognize has been taught. This was the same on the hallucinations, the third could mention third day of Friday, May 5th 2017 where the actions to control hallucinations by rebuking, patient conversing with others or training in daily hallucinations by rebuking then on the third activities, the fourth special purpose could day was still trained PS 1 was rebuked.

Mention the benefits of taking medication According to Maramis (2009) said that and the fifth could support from the family patient with mental disorders had some in control of hallucinations. Symptoms one of them abnormal behavior, first special purpose of forgot how to control Nursing Care of Vision Hallucinations to Mr. G With Incomplete Schizophrenia at Harjuna Room Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang the 7 which was included in abnormal behavior performed for 7 days.

In addition, family PS one of which was a memory disorder. In also had not been done because during the addition the patient was still in the process management of hospital patient no one visit. Of Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT), where This was appropriate in the Wardhani study ECT affected the patient's memory. ECT was (2013) explained that after two weeks to also two months, schizophrenic patients occurred included in therapy to reduce hallucinations that occured in patients. Inpatient, the intensity of families who visit On the fourth day the writer trained had begun to decrease or even never visit a PS 2 that was conversing. According to the family member who experienced authors chatting was a communication done schizophrenia. The family seemed to leave a with others to reduce the incidence of family member with a schizophrenic mental hallucinations.

The patient's goal was taught disorder who was hospitalized at the to converse so that the patient did not hospital. Dissolve in the hallucinations he experiences and that the patient was able to initiate CONCLUSION conversation with others. The results of management for 7 days On the fifth day the patient repeated obtained in patient were willing to be taught PS 1 rebuking back because the patient techniques of rebuke, conversation and daily forgot the previous PS that had been taught. Drug techniques had not been On the sixth day the writer trained PS 2 taught because patient often forget the conversation and on the seventh day the previous PS and the patient was still in ECT author trained PS 3 daily activities. The therapy, apart from that due to limited time purpose of the activity was that the patient where management was done for 7 days. In would not have much free time allowing the addition the writer also did not do PS Family appearance of hallucinations. How to do because during the treatment his family had daily activities that explain the importance of not visited him yet.

Buku Keperawatan Jiwa Pdf Writer

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Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa

Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang 9 Nursing Care of Vision Hallucinations to Mr. G With Incomplete Schizophrenia at Harjuna Room Prof. Soerojo Psychiatric Hospital Magelang 10.