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  1. Trasformare Jpg In Pdf
  2. Trasformare Pdf In Word Online

I am using xdocreport API in my project. I am mainly satisfied with it. It is easy to use and it is really easy to make the pdf report. But there is one problem that I have to solve. Sometimes the pdf generation does not work. The program stops at this line: PdfConverter.getInstance.convert I do not know why the program freezes at that point.

It seems as it is running forever and maybe this method has got infinite loop, maybe there is some lock inside of it. Can you help me by pointing me what can be wrong. When this happens the only thing that helps is the restart of the application sever on which this code is running. Thanks in advance.

File extension.ODG. Category, Image File. Description, ODG (Open Document Graphic) file format is associated with OpenOffice Draw - an OpenOffice application developed by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured information (OASIS) and intended for creating vector graphic drawings. Since this software is.

The main goal of XDocReport is to generate report and convert it to other format. XDocReport is very modular, so it’s possible to implement converter with any API converter. As you have seen, we have implemented 2 converters:. with docx4j: in this case we use the docx4j converter based on FOP.

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with POI+iText: in this case we have developed this converter on our thirparties So we could implement too a converter based on JODConverter (see issue at ) On other words, in this article I speak about our thirparties POI+iText converter that it is used just to convert odt/docx to pdf/xhtml and not about XDocReport IConverter API that it is used when report is generated and must be converted. Hello Angelo. T continue the discussion from the POI user list, ther are two other possible techniques. One is to use AbiWord; this is limited to files produced by word processing packages but it does include one of the best – in my opionion – Word parsers.

The second is to use either OLE COM to control an insrance of Word or Excel and rely on that to convert the files for you. Alternatively, use OpenOffice and control an instance of that application via it’s UNO interface. The latter is how JODConvertor works I believe.

If you want examples of Word Excel OLE and the UNO approach to file conversions, just let me know and I will try to look them out on my PC. Yours Mark B. Dear angelozer, i’ve much appreciated your article. I’m looking for any solution for generate pdf with template or manipulate existing pdf with dynamic data. I know that with iText it is possible to set placeholder in existing pdf document, but i know that with this approach there are also problems with text formatting, reposition of text and paragraphs. In addition I need insert table dynamically filled from datasource and I don’t know if it’s possible. Do you know some framework who allow to manipulate PDF?

Or it’s is better to edit original documents (docx/odt) and then recreate the pdf? Thank’s a lot Ste. Hi i have gone through the article. I tried with the 2 of the frameworks mentioned, that is docx4j and xdocreport. I downloaded and tested with my simple docx files it worked fine. Then i tried with one complex word document but it did not work fine throwing error.


The error is:- Expecting one Styles document part, but found 0 i tried with the above mentioned two but the error is same. I didnt tried with the first one because i dont have the expected software installed in my machine. I tried with jword also, but there is no use. When i tried to convert it online it got converted to pdf, perfectly. I dont have your email to mail you the file iam using. Can you please help me in this.

Can you p;ease change the language to English. Since i could not understand the language at the time of posting this comments. Hi guys, I’m trying to convert my odt document to pdf with XDocReport (ODFDOM) converter. My document was generated with ODT with Freemarker method. – Freemarker v. 2.3.20 – xdocreport v 1.0.2 For conversione I’m looking here: and download the odt.converters-1.0.2-sample.zip here. (same results even with version 1.0.4).

Unfortunately, the conversion is not successful and these are the error log: org.odftoolkit.odfdom.converter.core.ODFConverterException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Not all annotations could be added to the document (the document doesn’t have enough pages). At org.odftoolkit.odfdom.converter.pdf.PdfConverter.doConvert(PdfConverter.java:82) at org.odftoolkit.odfdom.converter.pdf.PdfConverter.doConvert(PdfConverter.java:43) at org.odftoolkit.odfdom.converter.core.AbstractODFConverter.convert(AbstractODFConverter.java:42) at fr.opensagres.xdocreport.samples.odt.converters.pdf.ConvertODTas400ToPDF.main(ConvertODTas400ToPDF.java:198) Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Not all annotations could be added to the document (the document doesn’t have enough pages). At com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfDocument.close(Unknown Source) at com.lowagie.text.Document.close(Unknown Source) at org.odftoolkit.odfdom.converter.pdf.internal.stylable.StylableDocument.close(StylableDocument.java:380) at org.odftoolkit.odfdom.converter.pdf.internal.ElementVisitorForIText.save(ElementVisitorForIText.java:685) at org.odftoolkit.odfdom.converter.pdf.PdfConverter.processBody(PdfConverter.java:128) at org.odftoolkit.odfdom.converter.pdf.PdfConverter.doConvert(PdfConverter.java:65) 3 more Generate ODTBig.pdf with 3066 ms.

File extension.ODG Category Description ODG (Open Document Graphic) file format is associated with OpenOffice Draw - an OpenOffice application developed by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured information (OASIS) and intended for creating vector graphic drawings. Since this software is part of the free and cross-platform OpenOffice software package, it is not unlikely that ODG will soon be used as a standard for exchanging ODG drawings between different programs. In order to share ODG files, you should install OpenOffice on your PC. Associated programs Apache OpenOffice LibreOffice Developed by OASIS MIME type application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics Useful links. File extension.JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JIF,.JFIF,.JFI Category Description JPG is the file format for images made by digital cameras and spread throughout the world wide web.

Trasformare Jpg In Pdf

Saving in JPG format an image loses its quality, because of the size compression. But at the end you have a much smaller file easy to archive, send, and publish in the web. These are the cases when an image's size matters more than image's quality.

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Nonetheless, by using professional software you can select the compression degree and so affect the image's quality. Associated programs Adobe Photoshop Apple Preview Corel Paint Shop Pro Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery Viewer Developed by The JPEG Committee MIME type image/jpeg Useful links.

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