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Originally posted by Zein Nunna: Thanks for your reply Naseem, but I mentioned I'm using Tomcat, but forgot to state I am also using JNDI etc. Hence for I need a.jar file that I put in the.common/lib folder. MySQL and other DB's have drivers, I assumed that MS Access would also have one?? Am on the right lines guys? Thanks Zein Most people use the JDBC-ODBC bridge, which is built into Java; no seperate driver required. There are some commercial drivers for MS Access out there; I've never used one and don't know any particular names. Hey guys thanks for your responses so far, Stu - jdbc-odbc is used when your not using JNDI - hence cant use it now that I am wanting to use JNDI Naseem - I have followed the Tomcat instructions for configurig JNDI, so changed the web.xml and server.xml accordingly adding the context tag, then resource etc.

  • MS Access JDBC Driver - Connecting MS Access with Java. Download Type 3 MS Access JDBC driver for Linux. An installed and licensed Easysoft JDBC-ODBC. Download the Microsoft JDBC Driver 6. Access to Microsoft SQL Server and SQL. By the included.
  • JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver - sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver - Flat Text Files JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver - MS Access JDBC-ODBC - Creating a MS Access Database File JDBC-ODBC - Creating DSN for MS Access JDBC-ODBC - Connecting to MS Access Database Files JDBC-ODBC - MS Access Database and Driver Info.
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still no luck though. I have a funny feeling that MS Access is not JNDI compatible - I came across this in another javaranch: If there is anybody out there who has got this combination working MS Access + Tomcat + JNDI, let me know please. Thanks Oh btw I'm using Tomcat 5.5 Regards. Ok guys here's what I have done, I still get an error when I call the HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request. Exception java.lang.NullPointerException HelloServlet.doGet(HelloServlet.java:103) I registerd my DB via control panel and the add to systemDSN (this points to the DB on my Tomcat). Naseem, Sorry for the late reply I was away for the weekend Ok the exact Tomcat is 5.5.17, Now that I've chnaged the DSN from system to user, I get less errors, the error I do get is as follows: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context at org.apache.naming.SelectorContext.lookup(SelectorContext.java:136) at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(Unknown Source) Does this make sense to anyone?

1.1 Microsoft Access. Notes: The JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver ( sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver ) was removed from JDK 8! You need to use JDK 7 or find an alternate JDBC driver?! MS Access is a personal database and is not meant for business production (it is probably sufficient for a small business).

Seems like I've not done something, where the context needs to be set? Thanks in advance, regards Zein. Hey Naseem/ everybody else, In the previous post I noticed a inconsistency, (it might not be!) db1 = the DSN name, resource name = TestDB In your servlet-code you refer to TestDB?? If you look at one of your above posts, the name of the resource and DSN name were the same?

- I still have the problem above outstanding, I'm temporarily using classforname.etc. I still howevere want to solve this JNDI problem.

So just to go through this step by step url= 'jdbc dbc:db1' My MS Access database is on my desktop and is added via DSN- system, called db1 - real file name is testMyDb.mdb DSN - system, works for classforname�. The servlet code is as follow try dataSource = (DataSource) envContext.lookup('jdbc/db1'); conn = dataSource.getConnection; stmt�. It all seems ok to me?

Why am I then having a problem? Error is something along the lines of JDBC is not bound in the context. I�ve been reading the web and people advice to create a file called context.xml � is that necessary? Is this an environmental problem or a coding problem?

Oracle Jdbc Odbc Driver Download

I call all my servlets directly by enabling the invoker servlet via conf/web.xml Thanks in advance for your advice/views Regards Zein added line breaks so page doesn't wrap July 06, 2006: Message edited by: Jeanne Boyarsky.

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