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All Episodes Here you can see all episodes of anime online Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Special dubbed or subtitled in English. A new special episode that was distributed to those who purchase all three Blu-ray box sets of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei series on January 31, 2012.

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Episode 1 - Despair Has Fallen on The Murder Scene/Christ of Nyankin Spoiler Policy I absolutely don't want anyone to spoil Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei for newcomers (those who have already watched it might understand me), and I'm against any sort of implying or teasing information of any sort. If you want to say anything in spoiler tags, please, do it in the separate paragraph at the end of your comment, and try to be as concise as possible. By Manga Chapters ch.231 List of everything. had. With an adult's brain power is. Puns are hard to translate. is a pairing from Durarara!!

With characters Shizuo Heiwajima and Orihara Izaya. SPOILER. True 1080p SZS is a beauty to behold. Too bad we only ever got it for episode which is kind of meh by this show's standards. I'll never stop longing for the day we'd get a full season in this quality. Honestly don't have too much to say about this ep. Detective story was fun enough but sorely lacking that satirical edge which makes SZS such a great show.

Musical part was okay too, but the mediocre subs kinda killed it. At least we got Kafuka in a maid uniform, which I could never complain about. Well we're done with the show now. Be sure to read that manga by Wednesday. You really don't want to miss it.

Meanwhile, I'll have some music goodies for tomorrow's thread, so be sure to peek in there too:). Here comes the special - the last (latest?) SZS in animated form to date. First part is yet another detective skitch. It's nice part full of fanservice (in its original meaning) and funny interactions.

Ideal as BD bonus, but heart is craving for more. But some episode is better than none, of course. Second part is an adaptation of the chapter and it's more traditional SZS that we know - too bad it's full of puns and is hard to understand for those who aren't familiar with Japanese. Anyway, the idea is simple enough to understand - sometimes even the smallest change could everything.

If Light never found Death Note, the world would have been entirely different. If I didn't discover reddit seven years ago randomly, I would have been a normal member of society.

I like to track small things in my life which in hindsight turned out to be the biggest events which changed everything drastically. As a reminder - tomorrow we're going to discuss S3 in general + some polls (no manga spoilers yet!), and the day after tomorrow is when we talk about the manga. Chapters 290 and till the end. Well, I would have been here for yesterday's thread except my account got hacked and deleted, so that was a lot of fun. Nevertheless I have made it just in time for the very last episode. Seeing all the main characters makes me sad that this is the last time I'll see them animated.

Going back to detective stories again huh. I completely forgot how the last one ended, but this one was certainly more entertaining than the last.

The part where the characters made a circle of alibis was absolutely hilarious. Not surprised at all they did it, but still didn't expect it.

The animation on Kafuka during the confession scene was very unnerving. It looked like it might have been rotoscoped. Either way it really added to the overall effect of the scene. Of course all that seriousness was broken down when the actual culprit turned himself in. Was good for a laugh, but I guess I should have predicted it.

Loved that second section, the idea of making a gag a musical was awesome. Also a fun concept helps it along a lot. First part of it was good, but once Chiri came in it got a lot better there is 0 bias in this statement.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Episode 1

BU+ 1+'$ QU1+3 +RU3 CH4N91N9 3V3N +H3 $ 19H+3$+ +H1N9 M4. Normal OP for this special, odd decision Shaft. We begin with a skit similar to one we had already about Detective Despair. Unrelated to the usual stuff of the show, it was still pretty fun, specially the alibi circle and Nozomu being accused was fucking awesome. Second part is a musical of different parts, the girls were pretty adorable and Rice Guy was creepy as hell but not much to say.

Quite the odd stuff to end the series, or at least to be the last animated stuff. The girls as maids! She explaining detective's novels plot and confession stuff was adorable. Kafuka had her eyes darkened when she pointed out the criteria Nozomu felled in and her phrase of freeing his soul. That's one long dying message.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei in 1080p is beautiful. Imagine if we got more of it in this same caliber. DAMMIT SHAFT JUST ADAPT THE ENDING. For a standalone episode of the series this was fairly tame in comparison to other episodes. Then again, I can't be too picky, it was a miracle in and of itself that we got a special after two years. So I guess it was good! I just want more.

I'm glad that we got another detective story! I loved the first episode that played with this idea very much, so another appearance of the Despair Detective is very much welcome. Also, I've grown to love MAEDAX's random contributions to the anime. He isn't a good voice actor, he looks shoddy against everything else in the show, and he is always the butt of jokes; but what makes it so funny is that he just doesn't give a damn! I would question why the second bit was a musical but I was instructed by Nozomu to not question why the second bit was a musical so I will not dwell on the fact that the second bit was a musical because I was told not to. It was a fun one! I would totally watch Mr.

Rice Man though, he seemed very. Violent, but in a very rice way! And with that ends every SZS anime!

It's sad, it's sad that this series is ending but it's also sad that this rewatch is ending! I loved coming here after every episode and read every single wall of text of a comment that you people made. That also includes me! I love writing about stuff that I love and having an outlet to discuss it was fantastic. This was my first rewatch and I had a lot of fun, so thanks! I'm very much looking forward to discussing the ending of the manga with you all! Which I totally did not already read!

Oh hell, who am I kidding. Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is over. I couldn't contain myself and read the last chapters yesterday in an effort to crack down the code behind the openings. I was weak and But for what it's worth, I'm already planning my last write-up. It was a fun ride!

Contents. Itoshiki family The Itoshiki are a prestigious family in Kuraizawa ( 蔵井沢), Prefecture ( 信州県, Shinshū ken), a parody of, where they reside in a 70 mansion, and have great influence in local affairs. As a running joke throughout the series, when the characters for 'Itoshiki' (糸色) is written closely together, the resulting kanji can resemble zetsu ( 絶, 'beyond'), which often undoes the next character it is appended to.

Thus writing Itoshiki-ke ( 糸色家, 'Itoshiki house') resembles zekke ( 絶家, 'extinct family'). The manga eventually reveals that they aren't the original Itoshiki family, but merely the descendents of look-alikes paid to masquerade for the real family while they fled from those who wanted them dead. After the family vanished from the face of the earth, the look-alikes decided to remain as the Itoshiki family. Nozomu in the anime.

Nozomu Itoshiki ( 糸色 望, Itoshiki Nozomu) Voiced by: The main character, a high school teacher and the youngest son of the Itoshiki family. He always wears a and abroad, preferring flippant casual in his hometown. When his name is written horizontally it resembles zetsubō ( 絶望, 'beyond hope' or 'despair'), befitting his extremely negative, paranoid and pessimistic attitude.

He often shouts 'I'm in despair!' And attempts suicide several times, though rarely with serious intent. Most of the main girls seem to have feelings for him but only because they misunderstand what he said to each of them (during the episodes introducing them). His negative personality started blossoming when he was in his first year of high school when he 'accidentally' joined a 'Negative' club. He is based upon the main character from 's, which is both Nozomu's and the 's favorite novel. Rin Itoshiki ( 糸色 倫, Itoshiki Rin) Voiced by: Nozomu's younger sister, a seventeen-year-old master.

When her name is written horizontally it resembles zetsurin ( 絶倫, 'unequaled'), which describes her exceptional talent in various skills; however, calling her zetsurin evokes her fury, as the word is often used as slang for sexual prowess. She has revealed her willingness to marry out of the Itoshiki family in the hope of abandoning her unwanted name. Growing up privileged, she has misconceptions about poverty and engages in. Rin eventually transfers to Nozomu's school and becomes a student in his class, after which she frequently faces the readers/audience with her backside (in a parody of, who is also voiced by ). Mikoto Itoshiki ( 糸色 命, Itoshiki Mikoto) Voiced by: The third son of the Itoshiki family, with an uncanny resemblance to Nozomu.

He is a medical doctor at the private Itoshiki Clinic. When his name is written horizontally it resembles zetsumei ( 絶命, 'death'), which explains why his hospital is rarely visited by the town's residents; he has a tendency to lose control of himself whenever he is referred to as 'Zetsumei-' ('Dr. Kei Itoshiki ( 糸色 景, Itoshiki Kei) Voiced by: The second son of the Itoshiki family, a painter who is quite full of himself. He has a wife named Yuka who is actually a large stain on the wall of his house. When his name is written horizontally it resembles zekkei ( 絶景, 'superb scenery'). Enishi Itoshiki ( 糸色 縁, Itoshiki Enishi) The first son of the Itoshiki family, Majiru's father, who has yet to appear in the series. He is described as a lawyer who resembles his brothers.

His name becomes zetsuen ( 絶縁, 'disinherited') when compressed, presumably hinting at his whereabouts. He is revealed to have started a posthumous marriage counseling business to help put dead souls to rest and divorce their ties from the world. He is also revealed to have been Nozomu's masked shadow doppelganger. Majiru Itoshiki ( 糸色 交, Itoshiki Majiru) Voiced by: Nozomu's nephew, the son of Enishi. He was sent to live with Nozomu when his parents abandoned him. Although he is rather arrogant for his age, he is quite vulnerable to the caused by Nozomu's students. His name becomes zekkō ( 絶交, 'breach in a relationship') when compressed.

It is hinted he has feelings for Nozomu's student Kiri Komori but so seems to hide this and refer to her as his big sister. Even though he is young, he likes older women and already shows signs of perversion, especially an. Hiroshi Itoshiki ( 糸色 大, Itoshiki Hiroshi) The head of the Itoshiki family, a member of the. His name becomes zetsudai ( 絶大, 'immense') when written horizontally.

Tae Itoshiki ( 糸色 妙, Itoshiki Tae) of the Itoshiki family. Her name becomes zetsumyō ( 絶妙, 'exquisite') when written horizontally. She is a cookbook author. Tokita ( 時田) Voiced by: The Itoshiki family butler. He is called Sebastian by the students. He is often seen attending to Rin. He is the true heir to the Itoshiki fortune, being the last descendant of the actual family that Nozomu's ancestors impersonated.

Nozomu Itoshiki's students. Retrieved 2008-12-20. Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei chapter 10. Zoku Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei episode 1. Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei chapter 9. Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei Jo: Zetsubō Shōjo Senshū.


Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Watch

(in Japanese). Retrieved 2008-02-25. Goku Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei Episode 3; An Old Story. Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei chapter 72. Quarterly S (in Japanese). March 15, 2008. Retrieved 2011-09-02 – via Fujisan.co.jp.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Dub

(in Japanese). Retrieved 2008-01-15. Her family name '根津' is written as 'ねづ' in. 'づ' of 'ねづ' is romanized as 'zu' according to Wikipedia:Manual of Style. However, 'づ' is also spelled as 'dzu' or sometimes 'dsu' in respect of the accuracy. 'zu' is essentially for 'ず' which is another.