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Configure your mouse to AutoClick fully customizable: interval, clicks, pauses, button, etc You can choose to automatically click your left, middle and right mouse button, set the interval at which the clicks will occur, set pauses between clicks, automatically stop after a desired ammount of clicks. You can also stop the clicks at any time pressing the F9 key New in version 2: 'Random autostop delays', you can set the AutoClicker to pause the clicking for X miliseconds, where X is a random value that will be randomly generated in the range of Min to Max INCLUSIVE PS: I rewrote some parts of the AutoClicker and didn't pack the final executable at all, hopefully no more false positives from AVs.

Sign: thx it work. MalacHUN: It is a good software. It's a big help for me, in games. Thank you!:) Tanix: does it works in online? George: amazing software for games or other use!!!!!!!!!!!

Get it now Tony: nice, simple, clean software. A question though - how can it be configured to click indefinitely until stopped (rather than a specifc number of clicks only)?

Richard: nice one auto clicker:) ace: 4/5 nice. Thanks.:P kishan soni: i belive in shocker MoMo: can i type while this one is working??? Bagorio: i need this in playing ran hope it will help me Chinmay: Its Awesome. I will use it for mybrowsercash. Thanks A Lot. Johnoczon: yeah men!

Tnks for the clicker!:) micko: i want to give flowers to my female character, abd i wawnt i fast. Troy elcid: My hand Aches Muerte-Dead: This Is A Fabulous Autocliker Bessame: This is super cool! I use this is GARENA if i cant enter in full room s!

Asa5ka5: Make 0 an infinite amount of click Strife Sheris: Great software. Ty) Bobbe: My Sister tried and liked, so I am trying also.

Cotunbol: Awesome! But only 1 problem. Cant we choose a start/stop button for the autoclick to start or stop?


Description of Automatic Aion Bot v.2.9.3 by hazetheone: The Automatic Aion Bot v.2.9.3 by hazetheone does everything for you! Even Better in v.3.0.1!! Free Download Aion Bot: Aion Botting: Hello everyone. I tried to translate the description of plany123's Bot. My skills aren't as good as they should be.

Sci fi epub collection. They have been released under the GNU Free Documentation License, the terms of which are available here:. At present I have very little time to read, review or add new titles. Free E Books All of these books are made available free of charge in the public domain. Please note that these titles are available copyright free in the USA, other countries laws may vary and you should find out before downloading. Most of these books are either the open source 'epub' versions that can be read in most ebook readers or the Kindle 'mobi' version.

However.I hope you'll understand Update to v1rc2.3:. Turning should be completely removed. Developer debug messages removed. LootBug fixed (i hoe so.-). F6 as NotStopp hotkey. info button at advanced included Update to v1rc2:. AutoRelease via mouse if you die.

sensitivity reduced of movement - should minimize turning Update to new v1rc1 FIXED:. Antistucking and LowSwitch should work correctly ADD: AntiStucking ADD: Random Jumper ADD: Low Switch Mob Attack AutoAion - Release Version 1. ' Status' - Tab shows you.what the Aion bot has accomplished before.what the Aion bot is doing in this moment.how long he is playing and how much time is remaining til shutdown At the top is a status log which lists up all important events.

It contains counter and timer, eg. How long he still needs for a LvLUP; how much EXP he has earned and how many adversaries he has killed. Among is the shutdown timer. You can specify there how long the Aion bot is 'allowed' to play - you have to enter the time in MINUTES. If its playing time is executet, he automatically logs off from the game or goes AFK (adjustable).

At the moment it is possible to start the Aion bot in two differend modes. Combat mode, and Traveler Mode. Combat Mode - Searching & Killing Enemies & Moving from Waypoint to Waypoint. Travel Mode - Only cheking Waypoints only one time by running from waypoint to waypoint. He will defend himself if there is an pre-emptive monster. Perfect for testing waypoints for the Combat mode once or automatically overcome long distances.

The start button is inactive as long as you create a profile and has not loaded the waypoints! Is this done the button will turn active. After pressing the button 'Run Bot' he will start after 3s. It can be interrupted by the F5 key. 'WayPoints' - Tab To create a waypoint-file you have to enter a name first, eg. After this press the 'Create WP-List' Button. Now you can add waypoints either pushing the 'Add WayPoint' button or the plus key upon your NumPad.

Between the single waypoints should be no obstacles. They should have a minimum distance of 5m and a maximum distance of 100m. If you set an incorrect waypoint, you can remove the latest waypoint with the 'Delete last WP' button or the minus key upon your NumPad.

After creating the waypoint list they are automatically loaded. If you restart the Aion bot you have to load the Waypoint list again. This can be done with the 'Load WP-List'- and 'Load GhostWP-List' button. Waypoints are points he always run over. When your character dies you will release at the obilisk where are you binded. Then the Aion bot uses the GWP come back to your farmspot.

Combat Waypoints and GhostWayPoints will be created in the same way and then you must load the waypoints into the appropiate slots. 'Attack-Config' - Tab The combat-system is oriented to the HealthPoints of the adversary. Adversary over 88% press 4 / - / 3 / 3.

Aion Bot Free

If the adversary didn't reach 88% while this KeySet is active it will start over until he reaches the questioned precentage. Adversary over 60% press 2. If the adversary didn't reach 60% while this KeySet is active it will start over until he reaches the questioned precentage.and so on. The last selected HP fiel MUST end with 0 (!!!) and the attack-keys must be seperated with a semicolon in the 'KeySet'. Pre-Cast - executed before the fight starts; You have to enter the cooldown (in seconds) and the casttime in milliseconds.

An instant cast should be declared with a castime of 800ms an the cooldown as in the ingame tooltip. Post-Cast - executed after the fight. EM-Cast - It is your guarantee against dying. The EM Cast will cancel all your casts/actions, when you drop under your entered HP value and uses the pots or healing spells on your key. Also use a casstime of 800ms here. Loot - There you have to enter the Key, where your button 'Pick Up Item' lies on. Reg - There you have to enter the Key, where your button 'Toggle Rest' lies on.

It is really neccessary that you enter a HP percentage, where the Aion bot starts regging. Press the 'Save' button after each time you have changed your settings.

You can also load other profiles. Simply select another from the drop-down-box and press on 'Load'. Never put keys into the 'KeySet' without a instant where the cooldown time is too long. It can always be resisted, dodged or something like that. Don't panic if any chainskill wouldn't be triggered. Simply place the key several times, eg.: 5;5;5;5;3;3;2;5;5;5;5;6.