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John Rasp's Statistics Website - Data Sets for Classroom Use Dr. John Rasp's Statistics Website Data Sets for Classroom Use Amazon.com & Coca-cola Filename: Daily returns, for ten years (2005 through 2014) for the stocks of two companies: Amazon.com (stock ticker AMZN) and Coca-cola (stock ticker KO). Taken from the Yahoo! Finance website of historical stock prices. Used for an on the standard deviation.

  1. Small Data Sets For Students

A Handbook of Small Data Sets. Hand, Fergus Daly, K. CRC Press, Nov 1, 1993 - Mathematics - 474 pages. This book should be of interest to statistics lecturers who want ready-made data sets complete with notes for teaching.

Amazon, Duke Energy, and Coke Filename: Daily closing share prices, for ten years (2007 through 2016) for the stocks of three companies: Amazon.com (stock ticker AMZN), Duke Energy (DUK) and Coca-cola (KO). Taken from the Yahoo! Finance website of historical stock prices. Used for an analytics on basic portfolio management. Baseball - Statistical Quality Control Filename: Annual records (since 1901) for every major league baseball team, giving data for home runs, runs scored, team batting average, and team winning percentage. Do these processes appear to be 'in control'? Best City in Florida Filename: Data on several quality-of-life variables for twenty cities in Florida.

Used in a on ranking and rating procedures. Box/Hunter/Hunter Filename: Data from Statistics for Experimenters, by Box, Hunter, & Hunter. Results from an industrial experiment. Used to illustrate several approaches to analyzing data, in chapters 2 and 3 of that book. Body Fat Filename: Data on percent bodyfat measurements for a sample of 252 men, along with various measurements of body size. Percent body fat is normally measured by weighing the person underwater - a cumbersome procedure. The goal is a regression model that will allow accurate estimation of percent body fat, given easily obtainable body measurements.

A Handbook Of Small Data Sets

The data were taken from the Journal of Statistics Education website. Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs Filename: Weights of 10,000 (nominally) twenty-ounce boxes of Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs breakfast cereal. The assignment based upon these data, intended to demonstrate application of basic statistical and quantitative skills, is.

College Scorecard Filename: A subset of the data from College Scorecard, a Department of Education website that gives data on various variables regarding school performance (mainly related to student loans and graduation rates). A description of the variables is. Darts Filename: Can stock market professionals really do any better than simply throwing darts at pages of stock market listings? The Wall Street Journal ran a monthly contest on this for several years. These data are the results of their contests. Death Rates Filename: Death rates (by state) from various causes, as well as information on related factors (such as age distribution and urbanization). From the Statistical Abstract of the United States.

Diamond Prices Filename: Prices of cut diamonds, along with data on color, clarity, and ratings agency. Taken from the Journal of Statistics Education online data archive.

Dow-Jones Industrial Average Filename: Sixteen years (2000-2015) of daily closing prices for the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The data were obtained from the Yahoo! Finance historical stock quotations page (for earlier data) and 'FRED,' the Federal Reserve Economic Data (for later data). Dow-Jones and S&P 500 Filename: Twenty years (1991-2011) of monthly closing prices for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Standard and Poor's 500 stock market indexes.

The data were obtained from Yahoo! Finance's historical stock quotations page. Economic Data Filename: Unemployment rate and inflation rate, in February of post-WW2 election years. For an in-class activity on regression models.

Source: Federal Reserve Economic Data ('FRED'). Florida Lottery Filename: Winning numbers from the Florida Lottery (through the end of 2008), as reported by the state lottery commission. Note that from its inception through 23 October 1999, the lottery was 'pick 6 of 49.'

Thereafter, it was a 'pick 6 of 53' lottery. FTSE Filename: Daily data on the FTSE 100 stock index (the leading British index), 2011 through 2017. Used for a data analysis activity in STAT 460. The 'Brexit' referendum occurred on 23 June 2016.

In this referendum, Great Britain voted to leave the European Union. This outcome was considered a surprise. The research question is: did it affect the volatility of financial markets?


Kentucky Derby Filename: Winning time of the Kentucky Derby since its inception in 1875. The file gives the year, name of the winning horse, and winning time in minutes and seconds. KFDATA Filename: Daily closing prices for six stocks (Disney, Ford, General Electric, Coca-cola, AT&T, and WalMart), for the month of January 2016.

For use on an exam ('knowledge festival') in STAT 201. Data source: Yahoo!

Local Correlation Webpage: Data sets used in the paper 'Explaining Success in Baseball: The Local Correlation Approach,' by Hamrick and Rasp, published in the Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports. Major League Baseball - 2016 Games Filename: Results from Major League Baseball's 2016 regular season. Home and road teams, and runs scored, for each game in the 2016 regular season. Major League Baseball - 2016 Season Filename: Results from Major League Baseball's 2016 regular season. (Team win-loss records, plus runs scored and runs allowed.) NCAA Baseball Filename: Results from the NCAA Division I Regional Baseball Tournament, for the years 2003 through 2008.

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NFL Filename: Filename: Data from the 1998 through 2000 seasons of the National Football League, giving year and week of the game, home and visiting teams, score, and pointspread. The same data for the 2001 through 2008 seasons, minus the pointspread data. NLYS Filename: A small subset of data from the National Longitudinal Youth Survey. Normal Body Temperature Filename: Data on body temperature, gender, and heart rate. Taken from the article 'A Critical Appraisal of 98.6 Degrees F.,' by Mackowiak et al., in the Journal of the American Medical Association (vol. 1578-80, 1992). Pollution Filename: Air quality measurements on 41 U.S.

Data obtained from A Handbook of Small Data Sets, edited by D.J. Poverty Statistics Filename: Data for 97 countries, on birth and death rates, infant mortality rates, life expectancies, and per capita GDP. Obtained from the Journal of Statistics Education online data archive.

Original source was 1990 United Nations data. Presidential Election Filename: Results for Post-World War II presidential elections, giving the total number of votes cast for all candidates as well as the number received by the two major political parties. Sirius Cybernetics Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Filename: Data for a mock 'case.'

The Sirius Cybernetics Corporation is bidding on a contract to supply parts to a defense contractor. Titanic Filename: Data from the first (and last) voyage of the Titanic. Population Filename: Population of the United States, in each decennial census. John Rasp Associate Professor of Statistics Stetson University Department of Decision and Information Sciences, 421 N. Woodland Blvd., Unit 8398, DeLand, FL 32723.

STA114 Data Sets STA114: Statistics Data Sets Text: DeGroot & Schervish, (3 rd edn) Data sets: Some lecture examples will feature data from published research, books, or other sources; I'll try to make the data available here so you can try out the methods used in class or experiment with other methods. Also some homework problems will have data sets; I'll put those here too. Click on any item below and you will find either the raw data or a further page of explanation leading to the raw data. Use the Save As feature of your web browser to save the data to a file, which you can then enter into R using the read.table command.

Name Description A classic pedagogic data set illustrating the need to use graphical methods and residual analysis to assess regression fits. DDT data set from Mendenhall & Sincich Appendix III. DDT data set (numerical encoding) from M & S Appendix III. DDT data set (character enclding) from M & S Appendix III.

CPU times of 1000 computer jobs from M & S Appendix IV. Percentage iron contents for 390 ore samples from M & S Appendix V. Cigarette data set (numerical encoding) from M & S Appendix VI. Cigarette data set (character enclding) from M & S Appendix VI.

Small Data Sets For Students

510 data sets from Handbook of Small Data Sets by Hand, Daly, Lunn, McConway, and Ostrowski. CMU's ``StatLib' statistics archive which in turn includes their ``Data and Story' (DASL, pronounced like ``dazzle') archive.